Adam Robinson: Searching for Secrets

In December, I went to a live taping of the Tim Ferriss Podcast at the famous 92nd Street Y in New York City. There was a surprise guest at the event named Adam Robinson, and after hearing him speak, I tapped my friend on the shoulder and told him I’d find a way to get him on the podcast.  Adam Robinson cracked the SAT before co-founding the Princeton Review. He also wrote the only test preparation book to ever become a New York Times bestseller. He attended The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania as an undergrad before studying law at Oxford University in England.  He’s a rated chess master with a Life Title and as a teenager was personally mentored by Bobby Fischer—considered by many experts to be the greatest chess player of all time—as he prepared for the world championship.  Today, he applies his unique philosophy and methodology as an independent global investment advisor to the heads of some of the world's largest hedge funds.  After this conversation, I can confidently say that nobody thinks like Adam Robinson.

Om Podcasten

A deep dive into the stories, habits, ideas, strategies and methods that drive fulfilled people and create enormous success for them. The guests are diverse, but they share profound similarities. They’re guided by purpose, live with intense joy, learn passionately, and see the world with a unique lens. Each episode lets us soak in their hard-earned wisdom and apply it to our lives. Guests include Neil deGrasse Tyson, Seth Godin, and Tyler Cowen.