Will Mannon: Running an Online Course
My guest today is Will Mannon, the student manager for my online writing school called Write of Passage. Will oversees all aspects of the student experience with the exception of curriculum design. He’s at the frontier of thinking about live online learning, from how assignments should be delivered to how live sessions should be structured. This conversation is a deep-dive into our work together. We start by talking about the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 online courses. Then, we move towards psychological topics like how to hold students accountable to helping them navigate the fear of publishing online. Please enjoy this window into Write of Passage and the future of online learning. _____________________________________ Show Notes 1:50- David and Will’s focus on customer happiness. Type one and type two online courses. What online educators can learn from the Navy Seals. 13:45- How fear is a part of transformational experiences. What held Will back from starting writing. What music can teach us about great writing. 19:27- Why we fear achieving our vision. Write of Passage guilt. How Write of Passage prioritizes helping people make friends. 27:23- Striking the balance between creating community and letting it grow naturally. How interest groups allow students to create their own communities. The structure of Will’s job as course manager. 35:58- Forte Lab’s yearly planning process. The three phases of Will’s course management. How Will and David are thinking about data collection. 49:14- How Will and David met. How Will’s course feedback led to working with David. Why classical education theory doesn’t really apply to online education. 59:11- Why Will and David create “type 2” courses. Why David learns from his students. How Write of Passages integrates feedback. 1:07:20- What feedback David listens to. The future of Write of Passage. Why David tries to solve very specific problems using software. 1:12:10- How the Internet makes attention a commodity. Why WOP can thrive with zero cold traffic marketing. How the Internet will help make creators money in the future.