#108: NUTRITION - Weight Loss Injections, Insulin Sensitivity and Weight Loss

This is a quick fire episode after I was 'challenged' about the importance of insulin sensitivity for weight loss over simply being concerned with energy balance. I discuss weight loss injections like semaglutide and the diabetes medication, metformin. TOPICS 00:40 - Can certain 'insulin sensitivity' medications increase fat loss? 04:30 - The unknown impacts of increasing your insulin sensitivity 06:40 - The role of leptin and appetite hormones in weight loss maintenance 08:57 - What advice doctors should be giving alongside the prescription of "weight loss" drugs

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Welcome to Not Another Nutrition Podcast! This is not just another nutrition and fitness podcast. In this new podcast series, I will be discussing a wide variety of topics including business, careers, parenting and self-improvement, alongside plenty of discussion on a range of nutrition topics! I try to communicate in such a way that is easy for anyone to understand! You can reach out to me on social media via @MartinNutrition or submit your own suggestions for Not Another Nutrition Podcast via my website www.Martin-MacDonald.com/NANP