Discrimination: Why Women Outperform Men in Congress

Kamala Harris could be the first woman to ever serve as president or vice president. Why are women so underrepresented in our government? We discuss a paper from Profs. Christopher Berry at the University of Chicago and Sarah Anzia at UC Berkeley that assesses discrimination against women in the electoral process by testing how women perform once in office.  Link to paper: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1540-5907.2011.00512.x

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With all the noise created by a 24/7 news cycle, it can be hard to really grasp what's going on in politics today. We provide a fresh perspective on the biggest political stories not through opinion and anecdotes, but rigorous scholarship, massive data sets and a deep knowledge of theory. Understand the political science beyond the headlines with Harris School of Public Policy Professors William Howell, Anthony Fowler and Wioletta Dziuda. Our show is part of the University of Chicago Podcast Network.