205. When the World Gets Loud; Managing Vocal Stimming

In this episode of Not Your Average Autism Mom, Shannon dives into the world of vocal stimming, a common yet often misunderstood behavior in autism. Vocal stimming—whether it’s humming, repeating words, or making rhythmic sounds—can serve many purposes, from regulating sensory input to expressing emotions or simply exploring the joy of sound. Shannon unpacks why vocal stimming happens, what it means for our kids, and how we can manage those moments when it feels overwhelming. She shares practical strategies for creating boundaries, modeling verbal thinking, and finding alternatives, all while respecting the vital role vocal stimming plays in our children’s lives. Whether your child hums, scripts, or just loves making sounds, this episode will help you understand their world a little better and provide you with tools to navigate those noisy but meaningful moments. Tune in and remember, you're not alone on this journey—Shannon is here to support you every step of the way. 🌟 Leave a Review:  If this episode resonates with you, share your thoughts and experiences by leaving a review. Your feedback supports the podcast and creates a space for other parents to find inspiration and connection. Are you registered for our FREE Webinar? Finding Strength & Resilience; A Mom's Guide to Autism Parenting Click the link below for the details ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠www.notyouraverageautismmom.com/webinar ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Together, we can overcome challenges and create a brighter future for our families. P.S. Feeling overwhelmed and ready for a change? When you're ready to take control and see different results, check out our private membership at Not Your Average Autism Mom.com Access exclusive support, training and resources to save you a ton of time, and a community that truly understands. Join us and discover how amazing this journey can be ⁠⁠⁠https://www.notyouraverageautismmom.com/⁠⁠⁠ Additional Resources: Join ⁠⁠The Not Your Average Autism Mom Movement⁠⁠ FREE Group on FB If there is a specific topic that you would like us to talk about on the podcast, email us directly at ⁠⁠⁠info@notyouraverageautismmom.com⁠⁠⁠ Have you listened to these episodes yet? ⁠Episode 146. The Myth of “One Day”; Spectrum of Strengths⁠ ⁠Episode 149. Parenting Imperfectly; Guilt Free Zone

Om Podcasten

This podcast was started for parents and caregivers raising autistic children but it has evolved and we have listeners across the world who are relatives of someone with autism, special education teachers, and other professionals. My son Jordan was diagnosed with autism when he was 5 years old, now 28. I have been where you are. Jordan will likely never live independently. I am in the trenches every day, just like you. Each week I talk about topics that directly impact your life and go hand in hand with your unique parenting journey. info@notyouraverageautismmom.com