Texas K-Pop Massacre | Special Episode

IT'S SPOOKY SEASON! For our Haloween special we wanted to do something fun and decided on a FMK game but with a SPOOPY twist. So come join us as we decipher where our loyalties really lie!Tune in every Tuesday for a new episode and don't forget to follow our social media and let us know what you think.Listen here!Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/not-your-average-fangirls/id1397623744iHeartRadio: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/269-not-your-average-fangirls-30301805/Google Play: https://play.google.com/music/m/Io43vmfj25ycw543oknngnnnnra?t=Not_Your_Average_FangirlsSpotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4OL4qPjUyRsjfX30FIDczswww.twitter.com/NYAFangirlswww.twitter.com/HollaItsCarowww.twitter.com/heyitsteeteewww.twitter.com/deekaydiwww.twitter.com/HollaItsCynwww.notyouraveragefangirls.com

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Whether you're a new KPOP fan or a KPOP OG, let NYAFG be your stop (every Tuesday) for all the Korean pop culture news, comebacks, and general tea that you might have missed within the week. We know it's hard to keep up, so let us do it for you! Send in your requests or questions to us at www.twitter.com/NYAFangirls