310. Body Image BS and Feeling Worthy with the NYAR Team

This week, the whole Not Your Average Runner team is here to talk about body image, body confidence, and all things body. If you’re not familiar with these three ladies, you’re going to love them. Jen Madden is our business manager, and Elle Dee and Jen Lamplough are two of our amazing coaches.   Hear the four of us discuss the cult-like effects of the way we’ve been socialized from a young age around diet and body image. We’re discussing the direct impact of the messaging we’ve received our whole lives about how our bodies should look, how fatphobia shows up where we least expect it, and how to spot the inherited thoughts you have about your body.   Get full show notes and more information here: https://notyouraveragerunner.com/310

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The Not Your Average Runner Podcast teaches plus-size, mid-life women practical ways to start running in the body they have right now. Certified Running & Life Coach Jill Angie combines her real-life experience and coaching wisdom to help women find joy in learning to run in a way that honors their unique size, shape, speed or age. You’ll be surprised at how much you can enjoy running when you know how to do it! Download a free one-week jumpstart plan to get started today at www.notyouraveragerunner.com/start.