337. 6 Ways to Have Your Best Race Ever

Hey Runners, I have a little surprise for you this week. I'm bringing back an episode that was really popular in the past because A, I think it's a good one, and B, I have a hunch there's someone out there who needs to hear it again. So I hope you enjoy it and I'll be back with a new episode really soon. I’ve been receiving a lot of requests for me to address all things race day prep, so that’s exactly what we’re doing today. Many of you are training for your first-ever race or making a comeback post-strict pandemic restrictions, and chances are you’re nervous, stressed, and worried about everything that could go wrong. So today, I’m covering everything from the week leading up to your race, the night before, and even the morning of the big day itself. As always, in addition to best practices when it comes to your physical training, we’re also diving into getting your mind in the right place so you can give yourself the best experience possible. Tune in this week as I offer 6 ways to have your best race ever! You’ll discover everything you need to know about race day etiquette, getting your pre-race prep on point, and some vital things to remember to keep your inner mean girl at bay. For full show notes, visit: https://notyouraveragerunner.com/337

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The Not Your Average Runner Podcast teaches plus-size, mid-life women practical ways to start running in the body they have right now. Certified Running & Life Coach Jill Angie combines her real-life experience and coaching wisdom to help women find joy in learning to run in a way that honors their unique size, shape, speed or age. You’ll be surprised at how much you can enjoy running when you know how to do it! Download a free one-week jumpstart plan to get started today at www.notyouraveragerunner.com/start.