Stop counting out the Houston Astros! Rowdy Tellez v. the Pittsburgh Pirates! These college football stories are UNREAL! (Episode 1133)
Today’s word of the day is ‘oops’ as in oops they did it again as in the Houston Astros as in dominance as in don’t write them off. They did it again. 7 division titles in 8 seasons. (3:50) The Oakland Athletics won in a walkoff last night. Last few game for the Athletics at the Coliseum. (8:20) The San Diego Padres clinched a playoff spot on a triple play! Never been done before! (12:10) Mets or Braves? Who is going to do it? (13:30) It’s now been 8 years since we lost Jose Fernandez. (16:40) NPPOD. (19:05) So You Wanna Talk to Samson!? Someone asked me about the Pirates and Rowdy Tellez and what happened there. (30:40) Review: His Three Daughters. (32:50) This story about Matthew Sluka and UNLV is only the beginning. Walking away from an undefeated team because of some contract issues. Oh boy! (39:08) Reggie Bush has filed a lawsuit against the Pac-12, NCAA, and USC over past NIL money. (47:17) The Pac-12 is suing the Mountain West over poaching penalties. Love it. More lawsuits. More college athletics. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit