What is Compassionate Challenge + Getting a Head Start on Your 2024 Goals

A concept I live and breathe by is the idea of compassionately challenging myself. Listen to today's episode to learn more, and if you are ready to compassionately challenge yourself to: -heal your relationship with food -get your period back -determine solutions to health issues that prevent you from feeling well I want to remind you that we are hosting our annual month-long Black Friday discount for 15% off private coaching packages. Click here to learn more and you can DM me PODCAST on Instagram if you want to see if you're a good fit for private coaching!

Om Podcasten

The Nourishing Women Podcast is for women with missing and irregular periods who are ready to take action and take charge of their health and fertility. In each weekly episode, you'll learn exactly how to get your period back from hypothalamic amenorrhea, how to create a healthy relationship with food, exercise and your body, and feel confident that you can restore your health and fertility by following the expert advice provided by Victoria Myers, period recovery specialist and registered dietitian.