Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)

Platinum Dunes Studios has released more franchise reboots than original films, attempting to update horror classics Friday the 13th, The Amityville Horror, and Texas Chainsaw Massacre for a new generation. Their latest reboot is of a totally different sort--Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! Can producer Michael Bay bring his Transformers toyetic touch to the Turtles? Join Stuart, Arnie, and Jakob in this final TMNT review to find out!

Om Podcasten

The Fast and Furious franchise started off as low budget racing films, but has risen to be one of Hollywood's most bankable action franchises. In anticipation of the upcoming Furious Seven, Arnie, Stuart, and Jakob are living their life one quarter mile at a time and reviewing each film in this series!