Jacoba Ballard's Story from Netflix's Our Father

Jacoba Ballard from Netflix’s Our Father comes on to share her full NPE/DCP story, including details that were not put into her documentary. She is 1 of nearly 100 siblings whose mothers were violated by Dr. Donald Cline when they were unknowingly artificially inseminated with their fertility doctor’s sperm. Jacoba suffers serious medical conditions, along with many of her siblings, which were likely inherited from her biological father. Jacoba can be reached via email at ballardjacoba@gmail....

Om Podcasten

What if you found out your parent was not in fact your biological parent? NPE Stories is a podcast where NPEs can share their story. What is an NPE? It is a term that stands for Not Parent Expected or Non Paternity Event. It is used for people who have found out the life changing news that their parent wasn’t their biological parent. Most likely through the advent of home DNA kits. NPE Stories is a podcast where NPEs can share their story of what their original family was like. How they found out they were an NPE. And what their journey has been like since the day they found out. These stories are here for us to listen to and nod along with. Be a part of the story telling. If you are an NPE that would like to share your story email npestories@gmail.com. You do not have to give any identifying information. I’d like to hear from you. NPE Stories will be launching July 1st 2019. Come heal with us.