#12 "Money is just a device..." Interview with Entrepreneur Richard Moore from London

"It starts with what you're putting in the ground. It starts with the small things- to get the fruits ultimately". Says Richard Moore in this episode of the Swiss Optimizer Podcast. In this episode, Richard is answering 3 of my quotes from my bestselling book "The Good Spirit Of Your Company. Learning from the mistakes of others - this is particularly worthwhile as an entrepreneur. You save time. You save money. You save your nerves. So I analyzed my 20 years of experience and over 300 customer projects and wrote a "Best of" of the biggest corporate mistakes from my bestseller "The good spirit of your company". Have fun and good luck! If you have further questions or if you would like personal support, you can reach me at https: //www.brunoaregger.com Here you can also book me as a keynote speaker. And more about my concept of how to turn a normal company into an optimal one can be found at https://www.apple-tree.com On my LinkedIn profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/brunoaregger I regularly write about our everyday life as a slightly different management consultancy.

Om Podcasten

Der Podcast für alle Unternehmer, die ihr Unternehmen nicht normal, sondern optimal führen wollen. Erfolgreich aufgestellt, um in turbulenten Zeiten allen Herausforderungen zu trotzen. 20 Jahre Erfahrung, über 300 Kunden-Projekte – mein Know-how basiert auf praktischer Erfahrung und dem Einblick in zahlreiche Unternehmenskulturen. Dabei habe ich festgestellt, dass egal in welcher Branche, die Fehler in der Unternehmensführung stets die gleichen sind. Daher habe ich ein Konzept zur optimalen Führung von Unternehmen entwickelt. Mehr dazu in diesem Podcast. Viel Spass.