Prepping For The NCLEX with (Nursing Podcast, NCLEX® Review for nursing students to help you ace the NCLEX Exam)

Hi family.  Are you getting ready for the NCLEX??   This show is the perfect NCLEX review, and as ALWAYS, we have pulled out the MOST important info that you need to become an Amazing nurse! Listen in each week while we review 77 critical topics you need to pass the NCLEX-RN Exam.  Each episode will cover these MUST-know nursing topics with a perfect overview.   Our new show is NCLEX Flash Notes.  You can search that in apple podcasts or spotify and pull up the SHOW.   NCLEX Flash Notes NCLEX Flash Notes is your go-to last-minute refresher for the NCLEX exam. Cut through the fluff and get straight to the essential information with this free resource.        

Om Podcasten

Helping Nursing Students Succeed. Period. Free Nursing School and NCLEX Cheat Sheets at Welcome to the Show from . . . #1 Nursing Podcast and the leader in nursing student education. New motivational episodes 2-3 times per week covering: Struggling Students - common questions and concerns from students. Tips and Nurse Life - how to succeed as a nursing student and nurse. Interviews - discussion with through leaders, entrepreneurs, and authors. Anatomy and Physiology and Nursing Care for various disease processes. Follow us on social media @nursing.com_ on Instagram or @nursing.comofficial on Facebook From the leading nursing education website ( comes the top nursing podcast. With pharmacology episodes, test taking tips, student struggles, interviews (with leading nurse advocates like Kati Kleber, Nurse Bass, Nurse Nacole, and more), NCLEX review, we cover the information that nurses need to know to accelerate their career and become incredible RNs. Jon Haws RN, the host has worked as a critical care registered nurse in a Level I Trauma hospital in Dallas, TX. Jon is the creator of Visit the site and check out the books on We discuss current trends in the ICU, anatomy, physiology, nursing care, and much more. Our goal is to change nursing education forever by making it more accessible, cutting the fluff, and teaching students how to think like nurses through modern technology. For full disclaimer information visit: NCLEX®, NCLEX-RN® are registered trademarks of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing, INC.