Feeling Smart - Why Our Emotions Are More Rational Than We Think

Why Our Emotions Are More Rational Than We Think 2019.02.06 Feeling Smart (Perseus Books Group, 2015) deals with the relationship between our emotional being and our rational one, and the implications of this relationship to areas such as economics, business, romance and the social interactions. This talk addresses the following questions: Are emotions and rationality two separate systems? Can we synthesize emotions? What is the difference between autonomous and interactive emotions. What is the role of altruism in promoting self‐interest? This talk also examines recent research findings on the "love hormone" Oxytocin, and in particular the implications for economic and social interactions. Speakers Eyal Winter, Andrews and Elizabeth Brunner Professor of Economics, Lancaster University; Author of "Feeling Smart: Why our Emotions are More Rational than We Think" (Perseus Books Group, 2015), Individuals

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