Muslim Millennials Today Identity And Religion

2017.03.12 The Arab world’s experience over the last two years has cast more light on questions of religion, religious leadership and religious life than at any time in the region’s recent history. Common narratives about the “problem” abound, but few, if any, people have asked critical questions like: How do young Arabs think of their faith today? Who do they go to for religious concerns? How do they make sense of their religious identity and their faith’s role in society? This panel showcases the results of the survey conducted by the Tabah Foundation's Futures Initiative:“Arab-Muslim Millennial Attitudes on Religion & Religious Leadership”. Panel Members James Zogby Managing Director, Zogby Research Services; President and Co-Founder, Arab American Institute (AAI) Abaas Yunas Research Analyst, Tabah Foundation Moderated by John O’Brien Assistant Professor of Social Research and Public Policy, NYUAD

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