Time & Place #3 - Disneyland's Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln (2005)

Thanks for tuning into OFF HARBOR & MAIN’s Time and Place Series. In this episode we take a look at Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln, but not ANY version, but rather “The Walt Disney Story Featuring Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln: The Journey to Gettysburg” aka the Civil War version or the binaural version. We start from Lincoln's 1964 New York World's Fair beginnings through today.

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Off Harbor & Main welcomes you to our round table of sorts as we discuss Disney theme parks and other miscellaneous themed entertainment offerings. We hope you enjoy our variety of topics and that it can offer a little escape from the daily grind. Our mission is to remain authentic to ourselves while not taking any of this too seriously. After all, we're talkin' Disney with our favorite drinks in hand. Come for your ‘Disney fix’, stay for the camaraderie. Join us with your favorite beverage, safely. Cheers!