From the Archives: The Ellul Shiur from Rabbi Sacks in 2011

Rabbi Sacks had a tradition, to deliver a pre-Rosh Hashanah shiur every year at the London School of Jewish Studies (LSJS). The Ellul shiur(lecture) featured here, was his 11th as Chief Rabbi. It was delivered and recorded in September 2011. Mekorot (sources) are embedded within the video and can be seen on screen if you watch - rather than listen - to the video. To watch the video, please visit

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Follow the audio shiurim, lectures and speeches of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, global religious leader, philosopher, author of over 30 books and moral voice for our time. Rabbi Sacks served as Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth between September 1991 and September 2013. A full biography - together with an extensive online archive of Rabbi Sacks' work - is available at or you can follow him on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram @rabbisacks.