"Rethinking Failure" (Pt 2 of 3 | Elul 5780 Lecture Series)

Here is the second of three drashot (short talks) I have recorded as we prepare to celebrate Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur in the midst of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. This series has been generously sponsored by Lundy and Fred Reynolds. Wishing you all a shana tova u'metukah. May 5781 be a year of blessing, peace, prosperity and health for us and for the world.

Om Podcasten

Follow the audio shiurim, lectures and speeches of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, global religious leader, philosopher, author of over 30 books and moral voice for our time. Rabbi Sacks served as Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth between September 1991 and September 2013. A full biography - together with an extensive online archive of Rabbi Sacks' work - is available at www.rabbisacks.org or you can follow him on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram @rabbisacks.