Dan Allford returns! This time we’re at his clubhouse, ep 139

Welcome back to the Oil & Gas Tech podcast — brought to you on the Oil and Gas Global Network, the largest and most listened-to podcast network for the oil and energy industry. Michael visits the Arc Specialties robot factory for more stories from founder Dan Allford — plus media wiz and boxer extraordinaire Johnny Tyler. Special bonus feature: The Tour Experience — follow Dan around the shop. ********** Bonus Feature on our YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/j767wNF53xU ********** Many thanks to MLink Technologies for sponsoring this episode. Learn more at MLinkTech.com. More from OGGN ... Podcasts LinkedIn Group LinkedIn Company Page Get notified about industry events  

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Creative. Motivated. Ingenious. There's only one group of people who have ever figured out how to deliver as much energy as the world wants. This is the show about how they did it. And how they keep doing it.