Lux Radio Theater - Alexander’s Ragtime Band

San Francisco, the Barbary Coast, 1913 and the man with the belligerent voice is a beefy gentleman known as “Dirty Eddie” proprietor of Dirty Eddies Cafe, pride of the coast. The gentlemen reclining on the sidewalk committed an unforgivable sin; he sang a sour note while entertaining Eddies select clientele composed mostly of thugs from the waterfront. As Eddie stands glowering in the swinging doors a girl comes from the street stepping carefully over the fallen tenor. . . Duration: 44:03 Broadcast Date: 3rd June 1940

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You don't need to sit around the radio any longer to listen to radio programs. Now a days you can put in ear plugs and listen via your cell phones, or iPods. I just want to share some of my favorite OTR programs that I personally enjoy listening too. You will find comedy, drama, new casts and a host of other programs that our grandparents listened too. ---- Check out the tumblr page. Here you will find longer details of my ideas of programing blocks that I'm going to plan on doing. You will also be able to send me messages. ----