Robert Arden News Commentary

Robert Arden News Commentary ran from 1940 to 1942 and featured Robert Arden, who was a foreign correspondent. Arden made insightful comments about the current events of the time. Most of the episodes in this collection aired before the US became involved in WWII and offer a interesting and introspective pre-war American viewpoint. Once the USA became involved in WWI Arden reported on the news of the war in Europe and examined both side of the war, including the life history of Adolf Hitler. SHOWS LIST Pre-War Commentary and War News A Biography of Hitler New Year's War News The Balkan Situation President Roosevelt Comments Labor Day FDR's Warning to the Axis Powers Roundtable Discussion on WW2 Address to Police Officers

Om Podcasten

You don't need to sit around the radio any longer to listen to radio programs. Now a days you can put in ear plugs and listen via your cell phones, or iPods. I just want to share some of my favorite OTR programs that I personally enjoy listening too. You will find comedy, drama, new casts and a host of other programs that our grandparents listened too. ---- Check out the tumblr page. Here you will find longer details of my ideas of programing blocks that I'm going to plan on doing. You will also be able to send me messages. ----