Lottie Flinn | Tackroom Tales with Towers

In this episode, I chatted with a gem called  Lottie Flinn! The reason I asked her to come on the podcast was after reading a courageous post about why she has decided to step away from the equestrian industry with her business. We also spoke about her awesome journey to the international level with her horse Reg and much more. Also massive thank you to the sponsor of this podcast Honest Riders. Check out their incredible clothing and horse products at www.honestriders.co.uk. Enjoy guys! 

Om Podcasten

Welcome to the Olivia Towers Podcast! This podcast brings you the whole package as I speak about many areas of my own personal journey and much more. We cover different topics ranging from interviews with top equestrian athletes where we hear their highs and lows and how they navigated them. Advice on building a resilient mindset in all areas of life. Practical tips to help you with your riding and journey in the equestrian world and also my own personal ”storytime” where I share honest and raw experiences from my own life and how I have overcome certain hurdles.