#50 Lebanon and the refugee crisis – how can the world help?

Libanon is the country in the world that has taken in most refugees per capita due to the Syrian crisis.  But how will the country cope – and what is the world doing to help? How can development assistance change it´s focus so it also lifts the lebanese poor, and creates a long-term more sustainable system, and why are refugee kids dropping out of schools? Listen to this live discussion from Beirut with some of the most important donors; Ryan Knox, Programme Manager for the EU Regional Trust Fund In Response To The Syrian Crisis ( Madad), and Karolina Lindholm, Deputy Representative UNHCR and Georg Ghali, Programs Manager at ALEF-– Act for human rights. Interviewer Ylva Bergman, Editor-in-Chief , OmVärlden FYI: Short intro in Swedish, but discussion is in English.  www.omvärlden.se *******************************  Så ska världen hjälpa Libanon och de syriska flyktingarna. Panelsamtal inspelat på plats i Beirut, Libanon, med representanter från EU:s MADAD-fond, UNHCR och libanesiska civilsamhället. Programledare Ylva Bergman, chefredaktör.

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