Boys & Grandparents

Are your boys close to their grandparents?  Not physically close -- physical distance is often more a matter of necessity or practicality than choice -- but emotionally close. Studies have found that close grandparent/grandchildren relationships protect against depression in both groups, and at least one study out of England found that kids who are close to their grandparents have fewer emotional and behavioral problems and fewer difficulties with peers. Facilitating the grandparent/grandchild relationship can be tricky. There's a generation gap. A digital divide. Evolving cultural norms and ever-changing expectations. "The expectation for grandparents today is way different" than a generation ago, says Emilly Morgan, host of The Grand Life podcast and grandmother to nine (4 boys & 5 girls.). "We still think of grandparents as sitting in rocking chairs, but now they're running marathons and doing all sorts of creative things, including working." It takes some creativity and grace to build relationships between your boys and their grandparents, but effort is worthwhile. In this episode, Jen, Janet & Emily discuss: * Bridging the generation gap * How parents can facilitate the grandparent/grandchild relationship * Helping grandmas understand grandsons * Multi-generation households * Changing expectations of grandparents * Respecting grandparents' lives and limitations * Resolving conflicts re screens, sugar, bedtime, etc. * Tapping into grandparents' wisdom and experience * Family estrangements * Helping boys understand grandparents' physical and emotional limitations * Handling grandparents' sexism and racism Links we mentioned (or should have) in this episode: The Grand Life podcast -- Emily's podcast (Jen will be a guest on on upcoming episode!) The Long Distance Grandparent -- blog mentioned at 28:39 STAY CONNECTED WITH JANET & JEN: Join the Building Boys FB group and the Boys Alive! FB group Be sure to opt-in at  Boys Alive! .com for your free report “3 Simple Tips to CONNECT with Your Boy.”  And subscribe to Building Boys Bulletin, a weekly email newsletter filled w boy-specific info & inspiration. Follow us on Instagram:  @on.boys.podcast and @boys.alive Twitter:  @ParentAdvisor and @BuildingBoys  LinkedIn:  use this link for Janet and use this link for Jennifer Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:

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Ever wonder why do boys DO that? Join co-hosts Jennifer L.W. Fink, mom of four boys, and Janet Allison, parenting coach & educator, as they explore and explain boy behavior. Their weekly conversations include a healthy dose of humor & insight, and feature take-away tips you can use right now, at home or in the classroom, to help boys grow into healthy, happy men. Whether your boys are teens or toddlers, you’ll find a big dose of support, encouragement and camaraderie at On Boys.