Helping Boys Find A Path to Manhood

How do we help boys along the path to manhood? That’s a question Paul Cumbo, a veteran educator, has been asking for a long time. It’s one he’s well-positioned to answer too, given that he’s spent the past few decades of his life teaching, educating, and coaching teenage boys and young men. His latest book, A Path to Manhood, offers encouragement and advice to young men.The available evidence suggests that our boys and young men need support and guidance. Too many have withdrawn from modern life, choosing to spend most of their time online. Too many feel unwanted, useless, and accused. Paul reminds boys and men that they matter. As he writes in the in the first chapter of his book, he doesn’t “buy the cultural narrative that men are simple.” He encourages young men to chart their own path through life, and shares how listeners can help boys on their journey.Takeaways:Each person’s path to manhood is unique and must be navigated individually.Paralysis by analysis is a common issue among today’s youth.Boys crave to be needed and to contribute meaningfully.Long-term vision is essential for effective planning.Backtracking is a natural part of the journey.Transformative travel can provide profound experiences.Joy is deeper and more meaningful than mere happiness.Young men seek challenges and opportunities for growth.Experiences of genuine joy are crucial for well-being.Links we mentioned (or should have) in this episode:A Path to Manhood: Encouragement and Advice for Young Men, by Paul — Paul’s Substack newsletterCamino Institute – info re the Young Men’s International Seminar (Note: there are still some spaces left for the 3rd Annual Young Men’s International Seminar, which runs June 14-21, 2025)Wilderness Therapy with Paul Cumbo — ON BOYS podcast episodeAdvertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:

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Ever wonder why do boys DO that? Join co-hosts Jennifer L.W. Fink, mom of four boys, and Janet Allison, parenting coach & educator, as they explore and explain boy behavior. Their weekly conversations include a healthy dose of humor & insight, and feature take-away tips you can use right now, at home or in the classroom, to help boys grow into healthy, happy men. Whether your boys are teens or toddlers, you’ll find a big dose of support, encouragement and camaraderie at On Boys.