Helping Boys with Executive Function Challenges

You might not even realize you have a boy with executive function challenges. Instead, you (or others) might think he's "disorganized," "lazy," "resistant," or "unmotivated." Seth Perler was one of those boys. Now, he's an executive function coach who helps other kids develop the skills they need to thrive. Seth is also the founder of The Online Executive Function Summit (TEFOS). TEFOS 2022 is August 5-7 -- and it's FREE! You can use this link to take advantage of the TEFOS 2022 Early Bird Special, which will give you lifetime access to each of the expert-led sources. This year's TEFOS includes sessions led by previous ON BOYS' guests Tosha Schore, ADHD Dude Ryan Wexelblatt, and Debbie Reber, as well as dozens of other mental health professionals, authors, and neuroscience specialists. Of course, an August summit won't help you today, so we're re-running a previous conversation with Seth Perler, who reminds us that “If you want to help a kid who is struggling with homework, grades, procrastination, under acheivement, time management, and motivation, you have to understand ONE thing – and one thing only – and that’s EXECUTIVE FUNCTION.” In this episode, Jen, Janet & Seth discuss: * What is executive function? * Why boys with executive function challenges don’t struggle with Legos, video games or other activities they enjoy * Why punishments & rewards aren’t effective motivation strategies * Establishing reasonable expectations * Helping kids who are behind (on turning in assignments, etc) “catch up” * When (& how) to reach out to your son’s teacher * How to deal with resistance * Why it’s OK for your son to aim for a D (vs. a B) * Exploring other educational options Links we mentioned (or should have) in this episode: — Seth’s website ADHD with Ryan Wexelblatt, the ADHD Dude — ON BOYS episode Twice Exceptional (2e) Boys – ON BOYS episode Developing a Growth Mindset with Carol Dweck — TED talk The Shame of ADHD and Executive Function — Seth’s video/blog post, mentioned at 33:10 The Executive Focus Online Summit (TEFOS 22) -- FREE summit organized by Seth Register for FREE here  Get LIFETIME ACCESS + transcripts + bonus materials with the Early Bird Special (available thru Aug. 4, 2022) Our Sponsors: * Check out IXL and use my code TODAY for a great deal: Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:

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Ever wonder why do boys DO that? Join co-hosts Jennifer L.W. Fink, mom of four boys, and Janet Allison, parenting coach & educator, as they explore and explain boy behavior. Their weekly conversations include a healthy dose of humor & insight, and feature take-away tips you can use right now, at home or in the classroom, to help boys grow into healthy, happy men. Whether your boys are teens or toddlers, you’ll find a big dose of support, encouragement and camaraderie at On Boys.