Khristian Jones Chats Patti Grace Smith Fellowship

Khristian Jones is a senior aerospace engineering student at Wichita State University, and one of the co-founders of the Patti Grace Smith Fellowship. The Patti Grace Smith Fellowship, an official spin-off of the Brooke Owens Fellowship, provides Black undergraduate students with paid summer internships at aerospace companies and nonprofits. The fellowship was launched in 2020, and is named after Patti Grace Smith, an aerospace industry leader who ran the Federal Aviation Administration‘s (FAA) Office of Commercial Space Transportation. In this episode, we talk to Khristian about what sparked her passion for STEM, and how the Patti Grace Smith fellowship is empowering Black excellence in aerospace.

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Hosted by Via Satellite's Senior Managing Editor Rachel Jewett, On Orbit is a technology podcast focused on the socioeconomic value of space and satellite capabilities.