#17: How Membership Site Owner Marina Simone Went From Failed Launches to Seven-Figure Brand

In this inspiring conversation with Marina Simone, past Together We Launcher, Founder and CEO of the seven-figure brand Moms and Heels™, you’ll learn: How Marina has navigated through failed launches, imposter syndrome, the challenges of PTSD, bipolar disorder, and anxiety to build a successful online business The myths about your social media numbers, the surprising truth about online millionaires, and the KPIs you should actually be focusing on Why Marina hates going viral and how she had her most profitable launch even though she had some of her lowest like counts ever The power of her 333 method in building an online community and optimizing sales conversions Her experience within the TWL program, including her initial hesitations and the one thing she’d tell anyone on the fence about joining TWL Whether you’re on the fence about joining TWL or an online course or a membership site creator struggling with self-doubt, scaling, or strategy, tune in now because you’re going to find a ton of value in this episode! Resources: Show Notes Click here to join the VIP list for exclusive updates! Apply for Together We Launch

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"On Purpose with Alex Beadon” provides practical tips, strategies, and mindsets for building a successful online business while maintaining a fulfilling and happy life. Host Alex Beadon draws on her own experiences and shares insights on how to balance the demands of running an online business. She values the importance of living a life with integrity, building life-long relationships with family and friends, and prioritizing presence, self-care, and personal growth. If you’re a course creator, educator, or membership owner - make sure to subscribe now!