060: An Archetype Named Portia

In this episode, MJ, Shawn, and Chadd look at a difficult-to-name concept: the neoarchetype. Other topics include the ways in which LotR the Movies were superior to LotR the Books, Cyberdolphins (Ee-Eee-e, E-e-eee-ee?), and a very strange application of the Kingdom Hearts' theme. We're almost out of NaNoWriMo! If you want to gush about your book, and hear about others, https://linktr.ee/onriting is where you want to be!

Om Podcasten

Three writers—a recovering academic, a writing professional, and a megaconsumer—take on Riting Communities, those online communities full of writers and terrible advice. Along the way (be warned, dear listener) there will be jokes, as well as some de minimis amount of Actual Writing Advice. Updates every other Wednesday.