Episode 24: Do you believe in "the one"?

Kristen Lam (@kristengracelam) and I met in LA two years ago, and we got the chance to reconnect here in New York. We went IN on all the fun dating questions - is there such thing as "the one"? Does playing hard to get work? How important is sex in a relationship? As always, if you have any questions you want us to discuss, send them my way on Instagram (@estherys) 🤓P.S. Thank you Athena Club for sponsoring this episode! For 20% off your first order, use code ONTHEFLOOR at https://www.athenac...

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Chat "on the floor" with Esther and her various guests as they process the all-too-familiar thoughts and feelings that come with being a young adult. New episode biweekly on Wednesdays! For business inquiries, please email esther.sim888@gmail.com. ☆ INSTAGRAM: https://bit.ly/35iTsEo ☆ YOUTUBE: https://bit.ly/3wL00YD