Industry 4.0: Real Cases of Productivity, Efficiency and Profits

It’s time to show Industry 4.0 is more than a concept. It’s time to show how machine-to-machine communication and the internet of things are making a difference in the real world for real companies. And not only are we going to present how Industry 4.0 is bringing positive change to the way distribution centers operate, but also the long-promised increases in productivity, efficiency, and profits. View the full webinar at

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The On The Move Podcast is a production of Honeywell Intelligrated, a material handling automation and software engineering company. The material handling industry has undergone significant changes over the last few years. Throughout this time, we’ve leveraged our On The Move platform to address and discuss numerous technologies and trends that have emerged from this evolution. From digital transformation and labor shortages to the increased adoption of automation and robotics to the rise of dark stores and micro-fulfillment centers, we have covered a wide range of topics to help you stay informed and hopefully outpace your competition.