Michael Kiwanuka - Kiwanuka [Album Review]

Ben and Jesse review Michael Kiwanuka's 2019 album release, Kiwanuka. Each track is analyzed in its entirety by these genius brains. In addition, Ben and Jesse contemplate becoming a music/sauna podcast, Jesse discusses his upcoming vinyl project (listening through all of his vinyl and giving each a rating) and Ben tells a story about getting high and not noticing when the record was skipping.If you like this episode please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and share the show with one perso...

Om Podcasten

A music podcast for those who fucking love music. Each week we go on the record to discuss all things music. From track-by-track album reviews to various topics like songs that should (or shouldn't) be played at a wedding, the 27 Club, and one hit wonders. We cover everything from new music to the classics and no topic is off limits which, in our humble opinion, makes us one of the best music podcasts.