Ben Doerr - Sail Bainbridge // Family Cruiser

#169. Ben Doerr is living the dream in the Pacific Northwest. A thirty-something husband, father & sailor, Ben didn’t wait until retirement to chase his dreams. He recently refit a classic John Alden-designed Pearson Countess ketch, and sails her out of Bainbridge Island, off the coast near Seattle, running day-trips and longer adventure charters along that beautiful coastline. Ben & I hit it off immediately, and chatted at length about his sailing career, life as a dad, his ‘real’ career as a musician, building and running a sailing business, & lots more. Sail offshore on Andy & Mia's Swan 48 Isbjorn. Visit for the full passage calendar, including passages in the Arctic in 2018.

Om Podcasten

The definitive podcast about sailing. Professional sailors Andy Schell, Nikki Henderson, and August Sandberg interview sailors from around the world to discover what motivates, scares & inspires them. For over twelve years and through 450+ episodes, our hosts have interviewed sailors like Dee Caffari, Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, Liz Clark, John Kretschmer, Kirsten Neuschafer, Nigel Calder, Pip Hare & many, many more. We talk to boat builders, yacht designers, YouTube stars, performance racers, and family cruisers. HOLD FAST!