Erik Aanderaa // No Bullshit, Just Sailing

#309. Erik Aanderaa is a storm chasing, single-handing, self-taught Norwegian Viking sailor badass. He also produces some of the best sailing content on YouTube under the fitting tagline “No Bullshit, Just Sailing”, and he recently completed a solo circumnavigation of the Norwegian Sea. -- The QUARTERDECK is now open! Go to and sign up to become a member of our new platform where Andy Schell & ISBJORN skipper August Sandberg will explore 'deep dives on the art of seamanship.' First two weeks free. There's nothing like it on the Internet in the sailing world, and we can't wait to share it with you and explore seamanship ideas together. See you on the QUARTERDECK! --  ON THE WIND is sponsored exclusively this season by Forbes Horton Yachts. Go to to get in touch and find your dream boat.

Om Podcasten

The definitive podcast about sailing. Professional sailors Andy Schell, Nikki Henderson, and August Sandberg interview sailors from around the world to discover what motivates, scares & inspires them. For over twelve years and through 450+ episodes, our hosts have interviewed sailors like Dee Caffari, Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, Liz Clark, John Kretschmer, Kirsten Neuschafer, Nigel Calder, Pip Hare & many, many more. We talk to boat builders, yacht designers, YouTube stars, performance racers, and family cruisers. HOLD FAST!