James Aiken // Filmmaker & Single-handed Sailor

#243. James Aiken is a filmmaker and single-handed sailor that Mia & I met in Ireland after our passage south from Iceland. At the dock in Bangor, James saw our 59 North flag and as a fan of the show, came over to say hi. Coincidentally, five minutes earlier I'd been admiring this beautiful dark-blue boat at the other end of the dock, which turned our to be James' OAKEN YARN, a classic Tradewinds 33. Thus began a week-long interaction with James that included chasing him down under spinnaker in the Irish Sea and sailing less than a boat-length apart outside Dublin as we filmed each other. Check out James' incredible work on jamesaiken.co. On the Wind is presented by Rutgerson Marine. And also supported by Adlard Coles, and BRNKL Systems.

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