Johnny Owens & Paul Rogan // Ireland to Iceland 2017

#202: Johnny Owens & Paul Rogan are 2/6th of the ‘Ireland to Iceland 2017’ crew whom we met on the docks in the faraway fishing town of Stornoway in the Outer Hebrides. Their gang of merry sailors were on an adventure to the Arctic in a 40-foot steel ketch, Johnny’s father as captain, making music as they want in the pubs along the way. We invited them to Isbjorn to share their story of adventure and creativity. Their expedition is designed to raise funds and awareness for Good2Talk Westmeath, a Mullingar, Ireland-based charity who provide Suicide Prevention, Counselling and Psychotherapy service. Go to to follow their adventures. -- On the Wind is presented by Weems & Plath, makers of fine nautical & weather instruments since 1928. -- On the Wind is also supported by Colligo Marine & Offshore Passage Opportunities. -- Sail offshore on a Swan 48 with Andy & Mia at

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