Lauren Topchik // Chasing Cruising Dreams

Lauren Topchik grew up in Maine and on boats. She was introduced to cruising as a high schooler driving the launch boat at her local yacht club. Word got out in the community that a young sailor was looking for her first boat, and soon Lauren was the proud owner of Cita. Lauren dove into living aboard, exploring the islands in Maine, and learning everything she could about being a sailboat owner. She now owns a bigger boat and works in the marine industry as the Community Manager at Dockwa. Her cruising dreams are very alive and ever evolving. -- ON THE WIND is presented by Forbes Yachts, the yacht sales professionals. Forbes Yachts sell the boats that allow you to effortlessly connect your passion for yachting to the sea, bringing your world one step closer to perfection. Visit to get in touch. -- ON THE WIND is also supported by SailTies, a free app that makes it easy to record all your sailing experience in one place. A digital record of all your voyages, certificates, crew, vessels and clubs. To find out more about SailTies, go to

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The definitive podcast about sailing. Professional sailors Andy Schell, Nikki Henderson, and August Sandberg interview sailors from around the world to discover what motivates, scares & inspires them. For over twelve years and through 450+ episodes, our hosts have interviewed sailors like Dee Caffari, Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, Liz Clark, John Kretschmer, Kirsten Neuschafer, Nigel Calder, Pip Hare & many, many more. We talk to boat builders, yacht designers, YouTube stars, performance racers, and family cruisers. HOLD FAST!