Lin Pardey & David Haigh // Cruising Memories
Lin Pardey is a living legend, having paved the way for countless cruising sailors for her epic voyages in an engineless boat with her husband Larry in the 60s and 70s, beautiful boats they built by hand, by themselves. Now at 80 years old, she's still doing it. I sat down with her and her new partner David Haigh, himself an accomplished solo sailor in Annapolis to talk about life after Larry and what inspires her and David to keep forging new sailing memories. Click here to support and purchase Lin Pardey’s 2024 book, Passages: Cape Horn & Beyond. Also by Lin Pardey in 2024: Bull Canyon: A Boatbuilder, a Writer and other Wildlife -- ON THE WIND is presented by Forbes Yachts, the yacht sales professionals. Forbes Yachts sell the boats that allow you to effortlessly connect your passion for yachting to the sea, bringing your world one step closer to perfection. Visit to get in touch. -- ON THE WIND is also supported by SailTies, a free app that makes it easy to record all your sailing experience in one place. A digital record of all your voyages, certificates, crew, vessels and clubs. To find out more about SailTies, go to