Max Campbell // Surviving the Atlantic
#274. Max Campbell left England shortly after his 20th birthday in a rebuilt 22-foot wooden sloop, bound for adventure. He set out, as many Europeans do, travelling for his gap year with no real plans and not a lot of money. When he friend jumped ship in Lisbon to follow his girlfriend, Max set his sights on a solo trans-Atlantic passage, aiming west for Grenada. When his diesel stove exploded, literally setting Max on fire, his passage changed dramatically, as did his outlook on the future. Max told us his story in London last week. -- Sail on ICEBEAR in the Caribbean in 2020! THREE new passages added in the Leeward & Windward Islands. Go to to sign on! -- ON THE WIND is presented by Weems & Plath, makers of fine nautical & weather instruments since 1928. Check out all their navigation tools, clocks, barometers and more at ON THE WIND is also supported by Offshore Passage Opportunities and BRNKL Systems Inc. Sign up for Hank Schmitt's OPO membership at, and check out BRNKL's boat-monitoring hardware at