Offshore Weather // Isbjorn Crew Roundtable Chat

#208: As I record this, Isbjorn is stuck in medieval Visby, on the island of Gotland smack in the center of the Baltic. We’ve only made it about 100 miles south of Stockholm, on this our 11th and LAST passage of 2017, due to horrendous weather. Recent guests the Veber family reported gusts over 50 knots in their homeport of Falsterbo, on the Swedish southwest coast about 200 miles from here and on our route. So we’re sitting tight. What follows is a roundtable meeting recorded about 6 weeks ago with Isbjorn’s crew from our PREVIOUS passage, when we were similarly stuck in Marstrand, waiting out a gale. If you want to learn more about offshore weather forecasting, head over to, where right now there is a series of detailed articles coming out that John Harries & I wrote. -- On the Wind is presented by Weems & Plath, makers of fine nautical & weather instruments since 1928. Sail offshore with Andy & Mia on Isbjorn, a Swan 48. Routes & dates at

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