Sam Holmes // Small-Boat Single-Handed Sailing

#336. Sam Holmes sums up his life in one simple sentence: "Crossing ocean on questionable sailing vessels." Andy talked to him at length about exactly what that means, onboard one of those questionable vessels in Kinsale, Ireland earlier this summer. -- ON THE WIND is presented by Forbes Yachts. Forbes & Jamie Horton are real-deal yacht brokers, living the dream everyone talks about having cruised the Bahamas and Caribbean in both sail and power boats, with and without kids! Visit to buy or sell your dream boat or listen to Forbes' latest adventures on a 35-foot lobster boat in the Bahamas in episode 332. -- Own a boat? Want to own a boat? Then you need a cannon! Check out Andy's new side-project he started with some friends manufacturing custom, hand-stamped, solid bronze signal cannons. Go to to get yours! Ready. Fire. Aim. Harborburn Cannon Co.

Om Podcasten

The definitive podcast about sailing. Professional sailors Andy Schell, Nikki Henderson, and August Sandberg interview sailors from around the world to discover what motivates, scares & inspires them. For over twelve years and through 450+ episodes, our hosts have interviewed sailors like Dee Caffari, Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, Liz Clark, John Kretschmer, Kirsten Neuschafer, Nigel Calder, Pip Hare & many, many more. We talk to boat builders, yacht designers, YouTube stars, performance racers, and family cruisers. HOLD FAST!