Sarah Armour // Schooner Brilliant Captain

#389. Sarah Armour is the captain of Mystic Seaport Museum’s sail training Schooner Brilliant. For the past decade, Sarah has been working in environmental education, sail training, and experiential learning aboard vessels like the Hudson River Sloop Clearwater, Pride of Baltimore II, Lady Maryland, and Geronimo. Sarah grew up in the Hudson Valley and is on the Sloop Clearwater's board of directors. She has a degree in Earth Systems Science from Cornell University, where she focused on applied ecology, sustainable agriculture, and environmental education. Schooner Brilliant - Sailing Programs - Set Sail On An Adventure Now! Mystic Seaport Museum Hudson River Sloop Clearwater Sarah on Instagram: (@searbeara) Schooner Brilliant on Instagram: (@schoonerbrilliant) -- If you liked this conversation you'll LOVE The QUARTERDECK, 59 North's 'deep dives on the art of seamanship.' Join our interactive community and get involved in the conversation at First two weeks FREE, then multiple pricing options thereafter.  -- ON THE WIND is presented by Athletic Greens. Podcast listeners can redeem their special discount at The show is also presented by Broadreach, worldwide adventure travel programs for teenagers. Sign up at

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