Skip Novak // Wisdom From 50 Years Afloat
Skip Novak returns to the podcast to talk about his new book Skip Novak On Sailing: Words of Wisdom from 50 Years Afloat. There's not much Skip hasn't done in his remarkable sailing career, including 4 Whitbread races, a 5th round-the-world race on a maxi catamaran, and of course pioneering expedition sailing in Tierra del Fuego, Cape Horn and Antarctica. I talked to Skip about his new book and in particular some of the more 'controversial' topics he writes about. Pickup Skip's new book here. Check out to learn more about 59º North Sailing. -- If you liked this conversation you'll LOVE The QUARTERDECK, 59º North's 'deep dives on the art of seam'nship.' Join our interactive community and get involved in the conversation at First two weeks FREE, then multiple pricing options thereafter.