The State of Isbjorn Sailing in 2018 // Essay Podcast

#221. It’s been a LONG time since I talked much about the business on here, and, now three years in (almost) and at the dawn of a new year, I feel like this is as good a time as any. I’m writing and recording this in real-time, by the way - as I write this, it’s just before 1000 SWE time on Tuesday January 2, the day this will release. Mia & I spent a lot of yesterday afternoon, January 1, reflecting on 2017 and planning ahead for 2018, across the business. The big question that we kept reminding ourselves of was the overall mission statement of 59 North. What, exactly, do we do, what do we WANT to do, and HOW do we accomplish that without getting sidetracked. -- On the Wind is Presented By Forbes Horton Yachts, longtime supporter of both 59 North in general and the podcast specifically. I’ve known Forbes for many years, and he indeed helped us buy Isbjorn back in 2015. Remember, Forbes can help you buy ANY boat on the market, not just ones he’s listing. To contact Forbes and start looking for your dream boat, visit - that’s F-O-R-B-E-S. -- On the Wind is also supported by Broadreach and Offshore Passage Opportunities.

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