Control Your Smart Home With Your Voice: #002

In this episode we teach you how to control your smart home with voice, and what you can do with voice control in your home. We review how you can control your lights, outlets, music and calendar with a voice assistant. We discuss the popular voice assistants on the market and what voice assistants we recommend. We interact with smart voice assistants in this episode so you can see just how they work and what they are capable of. We also have a surprise guest for this episode that will discuss with us the fields of smart home voice control and smart home artificial intelligence. You will just have to listen to find out who it is.  Subscribe to our email list for the latest smart home info, tips and tricks

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Everything you need to know to automate your smart home and life. We cover the latest smart home topics, smart home devices and interview smart home company founders so you can learn how to automate your smart home. We want to empower you to automate your home and provide smart home industry tips, tricks and insights straight from smart home experts. Whether you are just starting your smart home, or you are a smart home industry pro we are here to provide value to you. For more smart home automation information you can find us at