Aine Tyrrell_We Call You Now Conversation

Australia’s favourite adopted Irish sister, Áine Tyrrell is a modern day Pirate Queen, except instead of ships, she captures audiences, one heart at a time. After living in Australia for a decade, Irish born singer-songwriter Áine Tyrrell has carved a unique musical path melding her own Irish roots from the ancient limestone rocks of Country Clare with her respect of the red dirt roads of 60,000 years of Indigenous culture in Australia. It is this longstanding connection between the Irish story and the experience of Indigenous Australia in regards to colonialism that Tyrrell calls on in her powerful, gut wrenching call to arms ‘We Call You Now’. The 7 minute ‘cultural smackdown’ is a departure in style and tone for Áine, who gathers force in a wildly emotive spoken word rant that is reminiscent of the musical poetry of rock greats like Patti Smith. The song came after her invitation by the Bunyarra Culture Collective to be part of the Black Lives Matter protest in June in Byron Bay. After sitting deeply with some people’s reactions that claim Irish heritage, Áine penned a 7 minute history lesson and invited The Bunyarra Culture Collective to join in on the track. "We Call You Now" It’s not a song. It’s not a rap. It’s not spoken word but it is all those things woven together. Produced by Boundy Sound.  "James Boundy had such an honour and respect for the spirit and culture within each word and contribution. So amazing to watch an engineer and producer like Boundy do his thing just quietly painting around the intentions of a song and bringing the best out." Aine Tyrrell Track features Dhinawandreaming on the Yiddaki and the amazing vocals and stunning spirit of Emily Wurramara "Áine Tyrell delivers anthems for humanity with her new album Return to the Sea" - Hhappy Mag 2019

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OneSpaceLove Sessions for the love of music, lifestyle, and wellbeing while caring for our planet. On these talks, I chat with musicians, artists, and creative minds that are living on purpose while doing what they love, for the Love of it..!" Steph Papas hosts interviews with creative souls living a life on purpose and dive deep how they overcome life's challenges, twists, and turns and continue to live a life on purpose. She shares the tools they draw upon to overcome anxiety, grief, depression, and how creativity becomes the medicine as they share their gifts.