That's a Wrap 2020

That's a Wrap 2020 features a recap of all my guests for 2020. Each guest is highlighted in order of the shows, capturing the gems they shared on the shows for 2020.  Its also available with video footage on OneSpaceLove You Tube Channel Huge thank you to all our guests for 2020. After running OneSpace Events for almost a decade, Steph Papas took some time off to ground and reflect on her mission. During Covid, while homeschooling her three youngest children, OneSpaceLove Podcast was born, it began in her home and with no knowledge of where it was going, it began to take on a life of its own and served as a safe space for our guests to share during what has been a very unknown time for creative souls.   Join the OneSpaceLove Community 2021 more to come  Follow, subscribe to all the creative souls featured on this years season and let’s support creative souls doing what they love while making a difference on this planet.  All links on the website. 

Om Podcasten

OneSpaceLove Sessions for the love of music, lifestyle, and wellbeing while caring for our planet. On these talks, I chat with musicians, artists, and creative minds that are living on purpose while doing what they love, for the Love of it..!" Steph Papas hosts interviews with creative souls living a life on purpose and dive deep how they overcome life's challenges, twists, and turns and continue to live a life on purpose. She shares the tools they draw upon to overcome anxiety, grief, depression, and how creativity becomes the medicine as they share their gifts.