Episode 072 - The Motorized OOH Revolution Part 2 | Ryan Bricklemyer, Octopus Interactive

Have feedback or a question? Text us!Part 2 of our Octopus Interactive double-header! Ryan Bricklemyer, Vice President of Ad Operations & Product at Octopus Interactive, discusses how to drive memorable brand awareness with their ride-share advertising network.Octopus Interactive is the world’s largest ride-share advertising network. They provide ride-share drivers with HD screens to engage riders through live games, ride information, and interactive games.TakeawaysOctopus Interactive rea...

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Learn about How DOOH Advertising Works and How To Measure DOOH. Hear about how modern brands are using things like billboards, DOOH, place-based ads, event marketing, experiential, and other forms of real-world marketing to connect with target audiences and drive ROI. Executive insights, on-demand, from a global community of entrepreneurs and marketing leaders with the deepest insights into advertising out-of-home.