The Ultimate OOH Sales Guide w/ Kevin Gephart,

On this episode of OOH Insider, Kevin Gephart, Co-Author of The Ultimate OOH Sales Guide: Your Competitive Advantage To Selling OOH, shares his 38+ years of ad sales knowledge. Learn about best practices during a recession, idea generation, entrepreneurship, and more.The Ultimate OOH Sales Guide: Your Competitive Advantage To Selling OOH is a culmination of the out-of-home selling experience Gephart has gathered in the past 12 years. Within these 38 chapters are everything he wished he would have known when he started selling.Takeaways We are not in the business of selling billboards; we are in the business of selling ideas. Your strength is your weakness and your weakness is your strength. For every business that is suffering during the recession there is one that is thriving. Do not pull back your advertising during a recession.Consumers tend to fall into four different categories during a recession: 1. Slam on the Breaks - people who stop spending and buying altogether.2. Pained but Patient - people who are annoyed buy the price increases but are tolerant. 3. Comfortably Well Off - people who are not effected by any of it. 4. Live For Today - people who carry on as usual.There is no replacement for canvassing. It is a powerful and direct way to sell. There is a client for every billboard. You have to find out who that client is and make use of that audience.When you are in high commission or straight commission sales you are an intrapreneur; you are operating your own business within the context of a larger business. Plan to spend 3-5% of your gross income on growing your business through books, new technology, etc.LinksLinkedIn: https://oohsalesfaster.comEmail: kevinjgephart@gmail.comThe Ultimate OOH Sales Guide book: Technique for Producing Ideas book: on Advertising book: Step Framework For Idea Generation: Thriving Ad Categories During A Recession (request via email): kevinjgephart@gmail.comThe 4 Categories of Messaging For Each Consumer Buying In The Recession (request via email): kevinjgephart@gmail.comPowered by is the first free, public-access directory for all things Out of Home.Check out all 4.5 years of OOH Insider content at

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